01. Packaging /
02. Visual & Graphics /
Moono, the vegan dessert brand, and B’in Select are teaming up to launch a Mid-Autumn Gift Box in 2019, with Count To Ten taking charge of the packaging design and commercial photography, breaking the traditional image of mooncakes and gift boxes from the inside out. In line with the brand’s philosophy of health and lightness, the box continues to be presented in a minimalist manner. A box of four desserts is packaged in a paper box, then a outter wooden box to protect them. The black colour fabric tied cross knot at the outside which inspired by the Chinese Knot is not only representing the theme of 「Relationship」; but also conveys a modern and stylish impression. The gift box was launched to great acclaim and the campaign was a great success.
純素甜點品牌 Moono 與 B’in Select 於2019年聯乘推出中秋禮盒,並由Count To Ten負責包裝設計及商業攝影等工作,由內到外突破月餅及禮盒的傳統印象。秉承品牌主張健康輕盈的理念,禮盒續以簡約方式呈現。一盒4個甜點分別以紙盒及木盒包裝進行保護,木盒外則由中國結取得靈感,縛上十字結呼應「結緣」主題外,選用黑色布料亦展現出摩登時尚的印象。禮盒推出後大受好評,聯乘活動取得相當成功。
Creative Concept | Count to Ten
Art Direction | Count to Ten