Fendi Red Packet 2019. Regular Version
01. Graphic Design /
02. Packaging Design /
03. Illustration Drawing /
04. Photography /
Fendi’s classic handbag Baguette makes a strong come back in 2019, getting the spotlight as the it bag of the year, hence the design of the red pocket gift set takes inspiration from Baguette, using woodgrained paper to mimic the texture of Chinese lacquered box. The red pockets are adorned with embossed Peonies and brand’s logo, they come in both gold and silver palettes. All peony motifs are painstakingly drawn by our designers. There are two versions for the gift set— this regular version can hold 10 red packets.
Fendi 經典手袋系列Baguette在2019年強勢回歸,作為品牌今年的主推產品,利是套盒延續Baguette熱潮,盒面選用中國漆盒質感的木紋紙,把品牌經典重現眼前。利是封選用浮雕效果展現牡丹圖案和Logo,分別有金色及銀色。當中所使用的牡丹花圖案,均由設計師手繪完成。品牌利是套盒分為兩個版本,此利是套盒為Regular 版本,每盒可容納10個利是封。
Creative Concept & Ideas | Count to Ten
Design | Count to Ten
Illustratuin Drawing | Count to Ten
Photography | Count to Ten