Christie’s Lunar New Year Red Packet 2021
01. Visual & Graphics /
02. Packaging Design /
03. Production /
Inspired by the traditional screen, the box design is based on a rectangular shape, with the use of accordion folding design. The red packets that featuring He Baili’s Chinese Painting, selected by client, will be shown as it opens. The design integrates the paintings with the box body. It can become a beautiful screen painting as it opens. In order to enhance the beauty of the paintings, the theme colors of the red packet are specially chosen based on the paintings, which is different from the red in color that commonly seen. A three-dimensional gold foil stamping pattern of He’s Painting is also added to the box surface and the back of the red packets, feel the He’s painting not only from visual aspect, but also with hands. Hidden magnets are also added to the folding area of the box to maintain the beauty of the box and to prevent the box from being opened accidentally.
Count to Ten由傳統屏風取得靈感,外觀以長方形為基礎,配合運用風琴對摺式設計,打開即可看到客戶精選,由國畫大師何百里繪畫之四款作品為主題之利是封。屏風式設計將畫作與盒身融合,打開後可成一幅精美屏風畫,同時亦可作為擺設使用。利是封四款主體顏色均特別根據畫作進行選擇,有別於一般利是封以紅色為主,此舉務求將畫作之美以最大限度展現。盒面及利是封之圖案以立體燙金方式重現何百里之作品,除視覺外,更可親手接觸感受作品。盒身對折位亦特別加上隱藏磁石,保持盒身美觀之餘,亦有效防止禮盒意外打開。