CIS Systems for Moono
01. Brand Identity /
02. Visual & Graphic /
03. Packaging Design /
04. Photography /
Hong Kong vegan pastry brand Moono advocates healthy and light sweet alternatives, creating a visually and gustatorily exquisite experience for all. Count to ten provides the complete CIS system support for Moono, including brand logo, colour scheme, font, packaging and webpage design etc.
香港純素甜品品牌Moono,主張健康、輕盈的甜食概念,提供從視覺到味覺同樣精緻的素食體驗。Count to ten 為Moono提供整套企業識別系統服務(CIS System), 包括: 品牌標誌、品牌標準色、品牌字體、產品包裝、網頁設計等。
Creative Concept & Ideas | Count to Ten
Brand Design | Count to Ten
Logo Design | Count to Ten
Art Direction | Count to Ten
Packaging Design | Count to Ten
Photography | Count to Ten