Takashi. Traditional Japanese Teppanyaki
01. Brand Identity /
02. Visual & Graphic /
03. Packaging Design /
04. Photography /
05. Interior Design /
Takashi cuisine, opened in December, 2018. It is the second brand under the Eagle Tates Limited. Count to Ten responsible to create its CIS ( Corporate Identity System ), services included : Branded application, Interior Design, Logo design and Commercial photography.
「崟」TAKASHI 日式鐵板燒於2018年12月開幕。「崟」意旨繼續茂盛地成長,秉承「継」TSUGU 的理念承傳日式鐵板燒的精髓。Count to ten 負責整個品牌的品牌系統建立,協助加強品牌與旗下另一日式鐵板燒的整體形象包裝和企業視覺識別設計,包括品牌標誌設計、室內設計、商業攝影等專業服務。
Creative Concept & Ideas | Count to Ten
Brand Design | Count to Ten
Logo Design | Count to Ten
Chinese Typography | 青山不墨
Art Direction | Count to Ten
Packaging Design | Count to Ten
Photography | Count to Ten
Interior Design | E.So Design