Gentle Kisses | ibility | 2016
01. Commercial Photography /
02. Visual & Graphic /
03. Book Design /
With a theme of nature for both ladies wear and kids wear. Count to Ten produced its product category design, also leading the art direction for its commercial photography, focus to create a dynamic mood so to present its touch of organic.
拍攝以大自然為主題的春夏女裝及童裝,帶出產品使用棉麻為主的材質。Count to ten 負責整個品牌2016年春夏系列的拍攝方向和產品目錄設計,更邀請香港本地攝影師Miss Bean 拍攝以動態影像為主的相片,使其更生動立體。
Creative Concept & Ideas | Count to Ten
Art Direction | Miss Bean, Tina Lam
Book Design | Count to Ten
Photography | Miss Bean